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New “green” technology for advanced water treatment based on functionalized polysulfones/ionic liquids membranes
Status proiect: Finalizat
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The general objective of the GreenTechMembr project is to develop a new technology for water treatment through microfiltration process, by formulating and designing of new types of surfaces, used as medium separations in an innovative membrane treatment unit, with high performance capable of delivering clean water. The membranes will be designed in such way to have improved features and performances, so that by integrating those into treatment unit, the functionality and expected performance of the entire assembly can be fulfilled (decontamination of aqueous systems containing both organic and inorganic pollutants, as well as microorganisms). According to the above mentioned the specific objectives for this project proposal are:

(1) Formulation and design of ionic liquids-based polysulfone membranes

(2) Optimization of properties in solution/solid state in order to obtain ionic liquids-based polysulfone membranes applicable in microfiltration process

(3) Design and development of the membrane treatment unit by integrating the optimized experimental demonstrator into a final product

(4) Validation and demonstration of the membrane treatment unit functionality by specific tests 

 (5) Increasing the visibility of the team and institution through high-level publications, as well as in collaboration with partners involved (articles in high impact journals, participation at conferences, patent application).


© 2025   Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară "Petru Poni", Iași