Funding programme: Programul 1 - Dezvoltarea sistemului național de cercetare-dezvoltare Subprogram: Subprogramul 1.1 - Resurse umane Proiecte de Cercetare Postdoctorală Contracting Authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding Project number: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1303 Acronym: FluoroMOF Project duration: 24 months Project budget: 246950 lei
The design of three fluorinated terphenylic dicarboxylic acids proposed in the project are presented and explained considering two aspects.
The size, more specifically the length of the dicarboxylic acids aims at ensuring large pores within the coordination network.
The functionality, which in this case is ensured by the presence of fluorine atoms, will procure the stability and hydrophobicity of the network and the interaction with the gas to be stored or separated.
The isolated hybrid networks will be evaluated by means of crystallinity and surface area and their synthesis will be constantly varied in order to ensure the achievement of the optimal network properties.
Proposed ligands structure |