The strategic objective of the BioMat4CAST project is to implement a structural change within in the scientific management paradigm of “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ICMPP), Iasi, Romania, by setting up a competitive research group in the field of computational chemistry under the supervision of an outstanding researcher manager in the field of computational chemistry, Prof Aatto Laaksonen (Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden). The objectives of the BioMat4CAST project addresses directly to the targets of the Horizon Europe program: "to support research organisations to attract outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the hosen scientific domain thus to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis".
The BioMat4CAST project results matches the Destination 2: Attracting and Mobilising the Best Talents of the Horizon Europe program. The BioMat4CAST project will raise the RTD standards of ICMPP – as the first NE Romanian Region research center having a critical mass enabling it to spread excellence in the specific field of computational chemistry able to link the Romanian computational school to the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists through on-going cooperation, partnership and shearing of know-how/technical expertise. The ambition of BioMat4CAST project is to become, after the project ends, an example of good practice and a model of knowledge sharing.