 | Laboratory 8. Physical Chemistry of Polymers |
Head of laboratory: Dr. Anton AIRINEI |
Group 8.3: Polymer materials. Correlations of structure, morphology, optical and electrical properties |
Project manager: Dr. Andreea Irina BARZIC, e-mail: cosutchi.irina@icmpp.ro |
Dr. Andreea Irina BARZIC / cosutchi.irina@icmpp.ro / senior researcher (CS III)
Main scientific interests: transparent polymers with controllable refractive indexes, textured polymer surfaces, rheology, dielectrics, materials with partial ordering under external fields, multi-phase polymers with adaptable electric/thermal transport features. |
Dr. Raluca Marinica ALBU / albu.raluca@icmpp.ro / researcher (CS)
Main scientific interests: Molecular modeling, solution rheology, water decontamination via chelating polymers, porous macromolecular architectures, polymer/metal systems for reliable electronic components, wettability and hemocompatibility of polymer materials. |
Dr. Iuliana STOICA / stoica_iuliana@icmpp.ro / researcher (CS)
Main scientific interests: morphological, spatial and functional characterization of a wide range of polymers, copolymers, polymeric composites, polymeric mixtures, alloys and evaluation of local physical properties (adhesion, elasticity) using atomic force microscope (AFM), modification of polymer surfaces (by lithography, mechanical structuring, plasma treatment, UV irradiation, laser irradiation), testing the structured polymeric films as substrates for flexible/stretchable electronic devices. |
Dr. Simona Luminița NICA / nica.simona@icmpp.ro / research assistant (AC)
Main scientific interests: Interdisciplinary research for theoretical and experimental multicomponent polymeric systems, rheology and magnetic properties of polymers. |
Dr. Marius SOROCEANU / @icmpp.ro / research assistant (AC)
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