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HRS4R- OTMR Strategy

On 28.02.2025, ICMPP received from Euraxess "HR Excellence in research" award (HRS4R)
Raport Initial Assessment & Granting EC Consensus Report EURAXESS - 28.02.2025
Initial Assessment & Granting - EURAXESS - 28.02.2025
Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculara Petru Poni EURAXESS interim phase deadline 28.02.2027
Awarded Organisations EURAXESS - ICMPP 28.02.2025

In October 2022, Petru Poni Macromolecular Chemistry Institute submitted to the European Commission the endorsement letter () on the principles of European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers ().
The letter was accepted in October 2022 and application 2022RO853007 was opened.
Petru Poni Macromolecular Chemistry Institute started the initial phase, to obtain “HR Excellence in Research” award and submitted the documents related to the initial phase of the process in August 2023.
Following the initial assessment, the European Commission Consensus Report was received in October 2023, asking for major revisions.
Documents were updated in accordance with assessors recommendations in March-September 2024 and then re-submitted to EURAXESS portal in September 2024.

The application of the HRS4R strategy at ICMPP (Round 2)
- 1 Process-ICMPP - round 2
- 2 Gap Analysis Overview ICMPP - round 2.
- 3 OTM -R Checklist-ICMPP -round 2
- 4 Action Plan-ICMPP round 2
- 5. Results-of-survey-for-stakeholders-consultation-ICMPP-round 2

The application of the HRS4R strategy at ICMPP (Round 1)
Carta Europeana a cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita in recrutarea cercetatorilor - RO
Carta Europeana a cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita in recrutarea cercetatorilor - EN
- 1 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_Process_Description VFF
- 2 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_GAP_analysis VFF
- 3 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_OTM-R VFF
- 4 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_Action_Plan VFF
HRS4R Questionnaire and Summary Results
ICMPP Declaration of endorsement to the European Researcher Charter &Code 19.10.2022
Researcher Charter new 2023_EN
Carta cercetatorilor noua 2023_RO

© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi